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Lego Ideas

Every idea starts with a brick. LEGO Ideas is the place where we make fans’ dreams come true.


Encourage LEGO customers to integrate more with brands, and engage an older audience.


LEGO is so much more than a finished set with pre-printed instructions. The only thing that limits you is your imagination. There are more than 915 million possible combinations for six 2x4 LEGO pieces of the same color.


From the insight we developed the concept "Every idea starts with a brick”. This has given rise to Lego Ideas, a community where you can upload your own ideas or vote for a particular favourite.

If an idea amasses 10,000 ‘likes‘, it is put before Lego’s design and marketing team. And with the Review Board’s stamp of approval, it won’t be long before it ends up on the shelf as a brand new product.

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